Article I. Name
Sec. 1. The name of this organization shall be “The Clark County Chapter of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association.”
Article II. Purpose
Sec. 1. The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the economic and professional welfare of its members, to support legislation intended to contribute to their well-being, to foster good fellowship among the retired teachers of Clark County, to encourage and recognize individual member’s service to the community, to cooperate with the National and Ohio Retired Teachers Association, and to mentor, administrate, and support the Advance One Room School and the Clark County Retired Teachers Scholarship Fund.
Article III. Affiliation
Sec. 1. This association shall be an affiliated local chapter of the Ohio Retired Teachers Association.
Sec. 2. This association shall be an affiliated local association of the National Retired Teachers Association.
Article IV. Membership
Sec. 1. Membership in this Association shall be open to all retired public school and university teachers and public school administrators of Clark County.
Sec. 2. Retired public school teachers and administrators from other localities who have become residents of Clark County shall also be eligible for membership.
Sec. 3. All eligible persons shall be admitted to membership upon
application and payment of dues for the current year.
Sec. 4. Any person in Ohio favorably interested in education and the problems of retirees may become an ASSOCIATE MEMBER, without the right to vote or to hold office. Chapter associate members need not be ORTA members; however, dual membership is encouraged.
Article V. Officers and their duties
Sec. 1. The officers of this Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and two Trustees.
Sec. 2. They shall be elected for a term of two years as provided for in Article VI on Elections.
Sec. 3. The above officers, the immediate past president, and the state Trustee shall constitute the Executive Board.
Sec. 4. The duties of the officers and trustees shall be such as usually pertain to their respective offices.
Article VI. Elections
Sec. 1. Elections of officers and trustees shall be held at the Annual Meeting in odd years.
Sec. 2. All officers shall be elected at one time to serve for a period of two years, beginning in January of the even year.
Sec. 3. The President, with approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint a nominating committee of three members of the Association who are not members of the Executive Board at least one month before the Annual Meeting at which elections are to be held. This Committee shall submit, at the Annual Meeting, a list of candidates for office and trusteeship to be elected in that year.
Sec. 4. Other nominations may be made from the floor.
Sec. 5. Vacancies occurring in the Executive Board, other than the President, shall be filled for the unexpired term by action of the remaining members of the Executive Board. The Vice-President shall succeed the President in case of vacancy in that office.
Article VII. Meetings
Sec. 1. The Executive Board shall determine the number of general membership meetings, their dates, times and locations; except, that one general meeting shall be scheduled in the fall and be designated as the Annual Meeting.
Sec. 2. The Executive Board shall announce the dates, times, and locations of the general meetings to the members in a timely fashion.
Sec. 3. Other special meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Board, or by ten members of the Association.
Sec. 4. The Executive Board shall meet at least one month before each scheduled general membership meeting.
Article VIII. Amendments
Sec. 1. The constitution and by-laws of this association may be amended by the Executive Board and approved, at the next general meeting, by vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present.
Article IX. Rules of Order
Sec. 1. This Association shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order—latest revision.
Article X. Dissolution and Disposition
Sec. 1. If at anytime and for any reason, i.e…
A. destruction by fire, tornado, vandalism, or any other act; or
B. should the Clark County Retired Teachers or the Advance One Room School disband or become insolvent, the president, along with the Executive Board, shall make a study as to the options for either the restoration of the school and/or the continuation of the organization in case of:
(1) the above, or the disposition of the organization in case of
(2) the above, the disbandment or insolvency
(3) then the assets, after payment of all liabilities shall be distributed in accordance with the law.
Sec. 2. The options as to the dissolution and disposition of the assets of the Clark County Retired Teachers and/or Advance One Room School shall be presented to the general membership and the final decision shall be made by a two-thirds (2/3) of the written vote of the dues paying members present and voting at a special meeting called for that purpose.
Article I. Dues
Sec. 2. Both active and associate members of this Association may purchase a Life Membership for $100 effective as of the fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 2005. As directed by the Executive Board, a portion of this Life Membership will be invested to keep up with inflation and cost of living.
Sec. 3. State and National dues are set by those organizations and are payable at the time of the Annual Meeting.
Article II. Committees
Sec. 1. The President shall appoint such committees as time and circumstance shall require.