Outreach: Scholarships, Pre-Retirement Planning, Arts Festival, Salvation Army, Volunteer Hours Form


CCRTA Scholarship
  CCRTA scholarships worth at least $1000 are given every year to a current college sophomore or junior who is a resident of Clark County and has graduated from a Springfield City or Clark County Public School System. The number of scholarships awarded vary according to funding.
   CCRTA members donate toward scholarships. Outside education-oriented organizations also provide funding.

Application Process: The application process begins January 15 and ends no later than March 20. The applicant must be an education major and have earned a minimum 2.5 grade point average, including the most recent past term. The recipient is notified in early May.

For a Downloadable Form, Right Click on: Application Form.

Complete and mail downloaded application to:
      Mr. Carl E. Ahlm, Scholarship Co-Chairperson
      6323 Floyd Drive
      Springfield, Ohio 45502

For Written Application Request: Send a written request for an application and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:

    Mr. Carl E. Ahlm, Scholarship Co-Chairperson

       6323 Floyd Drive

       Springfield, Ohio 45502  

Post Mail completed application to Mr. Carl Ahlm.

Individual, One-Time Scholarships
   The CCRTA Scholarship Committee also assists CCRTA members who want to offer individual scholarships but do not wish to be involved in the process.

   The Committee takes cares of the entire scholarship process for the donor, including providing an application, reading the results, selecting the recipient and naming the scholarship in honor or memory of the person of the donor's choice.

Contact: Mr. Carl Ahlm, Scholarship Committee Co-Chair

2024 Scholarship Recipients

   Local graduates of public high schools in Clark County have been awarded $1000 scholarships from the CCRTA. Recipients were chosen based on recommendations, grade point average and a short essay.

Wallace and Edna Smith Scholarship for $1000, funded by their daughter, Dawn Miller: Paige Hale, a graduate of Tecumseh High School, attends Cedarville University in pre-k and special ed.

 Ann Martin Memorial Scholarship for $1000: Ryleigh Burden attends University of Dayton, majoring in pre-k-5 and intervention specialist and graduated from Kenton Ridge High School.   

CCRTA Scholarship for $1000: Hanna Haddix, Shawnee High School graduate, attends Wittenberg University majoring in visual arts.

CCRTA Scholarship for $1000: Xavier Prenatt majors in English language arts at Wittenberg University and graduated from Tecumseh Highh School.

Anonymous Donor for $1000: Savannah LaMar attends Wittenberg University, majors in 7-12 mathematics, and is a Springfield High School graduate.

Advance One Room School             
This project is the hallmark of the CCRTA.   The one room school house provides students within the Clark County school districts an opportunity to experience a typical school day in 1897.  Materials and activities follow Ohio Benchmark Standards while also reflecting the time period. 
   All work involving building renovation, land renewal, including providing all the period furniture, school materials, and teachers in 19th century costume as well as field trip scheduling is done through volunteers from CCRTA.
   Link to Membership Activities for more information.
Contact: Connie Bost, One Room School Committee Chair.
   Link to http://www.AdvanceOneRoomSchool.blogspot.com/ for more information, history and photos of the Advance School.

Volunteer Hours
The Ohio Retired Teachers Association collects volunteer hours from local chapters for its state records. CCRTA members keep track of individual hours and projects on a monthly basis and turn in a yearly total by December 31. Include travel time in your volunteer calculation.

Right Click to open Volunteer Hours Form

Little Birdhouse Libraries

   The two chairs of the Scholarship Committee supply over twelve birdhouse libraries scattered throughout Clark County. They collect books for elementary to young adult readers from CCRTA members and friends and distribute them to the little library boxes throughout the year. In 2017, over 600 books had been distributed.
Each book includes a sticker that reads it has been donated by the Clark County Retired Teachers Association.
Contact: Carl Ahlm.

Carl Ahlm, co-chair of the Scholarship Committee.
